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A Time Such As This

A mentor and friend said to me a couple of weeks ago, "We want things to be just like they were before, but they can't be. God has us here now and will make this into something we don't want to miss out on." Those words struck me because I definitely want things to be like before. I want them to be like in this picture.  This was September of 2016. I was lifting weights and doing cardio 7 days a week (sometimes for hours at a time), I had just finished my first Whole 30 and was eating super healthy, I was much thinner and confident, I was in heels without feeling like my ankles would snap, I had a genuine smile because I felt good. Things were good. Today I am in a flare or this no-name diagnosis that we can't pinpoint. I can't weight lift or run anymore. I am overweight and not confident. I can't eat certain foods less I suffer the consequences. My body hurts and a smile is forced most of the time. As I continue to proce...

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