Who Am I

Who Am I?

That question seems easier asked than answered. Who Am I? 
Well for starters my name is Hayley, I am in my 20s, I live in Arkansas, I am married, I work full time, I have 3 cats and 2 dogs, and I volunteer. 
It seems to me that just about anyone could know that about me or guess that about me, so I don't think that really answers the question does it.
Who Am I? I am a dreamer. 
     I dream of a life well lived. One that at the end of it's earthly time I will hear "Well done my good and faithful servant." I dream of more than just material things. Sometimes I can picture myself holding the hands of many children that I have rescued from the slums and the streets who have become like my own and that I have led to Christ. I dream of a world where racial equality is the norm, where women and men are treated with equal respect, where children are loved no matter what, and where no one goes hungry. I dream that I can play even a small role in my dreams.
Who Am I? I am an advocate.
     Ask anyone who knows me and they would tell you that I can never stop talking about Kenya or about the other organizations I work with. According to Proverbs 31:8-9 I am called to speak out for those who cannot speak and to defend the needy and the poor. It is my passion to spread the good news of what the Lord is doing in so many lives so that others may come to know Him and to join forces in changing parts of this world with me.
Who Am I? I am a figher.
     A good portion of my life has been pretty grand. God has blessed me, but just like every other human being there have been things that have caused stalling or almost made me quit the whole thing. I have struggled with trauma, lack of self worth, depression, anxiety, suicide, and most recently an illness that I still have no answers to. All of these had the potential to stop me and to keep me from what the Lord has set before me, but He. Is. Greater. I still struggle, but I am fighting because the battle is already won. 

Who Am I? Sometimes I feel like I still don't know the answer to that, but the more God sets me on the narrow way the more I see who He has created me to be. So yes, I am a 20 something, married female with 5 pets in an average American home, but I believe that because of Christ I am so much more.



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