She's back...and ready to go!

Well, I finally did it. I logged on to Blogger after almost 7 years. Many people have asked me lately if I blog. My response has always been, "No, but I need too!" So after nearly 3 years of saying that here I am...posting on my blog from almost 10 years ago.
It is funny how things come back around. I started this blog when I was working at a local camp for kids with special needs. The verse in 1 Samuel really spoke to me at that time because the population I was working with was one that much of the world was not. I loved my time spent there and it all played a huge role in who I am today. Today, this verse still rings true. I work in Africa in some of the most poverty stricken areas this world has, I work with at risk youth in Arkansas, and I am creating a special needs ministry at our church. These people groups can often be forgotten and not "looked at". God has given me eyes to see.
Together with my husband, Jimmie (who I met at that camp by the way), I am living each day in advocacy and service to these people. Our lives are not what they were 3 years ago when we married, but instead they have been wrecked by the things God has shown us and we couldn't be more grateful.
So in this blog I will tell you the adventures. The adventures of flying 18+ hours across the world to love on Kenyans and be in our sweet spot. The adventures of mentoring and volunteering with at risk youth who have aged out of the foster care system here in Arkansas. The adventures of starting a special needs ministry at our church. The adventures of marriage and life in general amidst all of the "stuff" we do.
My hope is that through these adventures you will see what God has opened my eyes to see. That you will see He is so much bigger and greater than we give Him credit for most of the time. That you will see that if we simply open our hearts to what He wants to give us and show us our lives will be beyond cool.
So, enjoy and go on an adventure with me. I promise it is worth the journey!


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