Truly "Falling"

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to experience "falling in love". Those sweet romance ideas of being a beauty whose prince charming comes and sweeps her off her feet one unexpected day. To have that someone to have an to hold forever is a beautiful dream.

Well, I'd like to inform all my readers that I do have a prince charming, I have been swept off my feet, I have someone for forever, and I am falling in love! This wonderful man is so beautiful! He never leaves my side, he is my protector, he loves me selflessly no matter what, he would do anything for me(even die for me), and he helps me be the best person I can be.

Are you thinking: Can such a man really exist? Someone is blinded by love! Haha

Such a man does exist, although he is no longer a man. His name is Jesus Christ. The Savior of my life, the Lover of my soul, and my All in All.

I cannot even begin to put into words how much I am falling in love with Him. Everyday it grows stronger and more pure. With this love I want to serve Him constantly! This life of mine is meant for Him! I am asking Him to take me as I am and use my hands and feet.

The great thing about our love is that no matter what I do, what I say, or what I think He is always there waiting for me to run into His arms so that He can cover me with His redeeming love. Even when I break His beautiful heart, He is still waiting to forgive. How could someone love me so much that they would be willing to forget everything I've ever done wrong? This is a question I find myself asking all the time, but then He simply calls me into His arms and whispers, "Beloved".

Christianity is a religion, but I'd like to tell you that being a Follower of Christ can be so much more than that! Throw out technicalities and rituals; and instead replace them with passion and love for your Savior and God! I use to treat my faith as a religion, but now that I have experienced the all-consuming love of my Jesus I know that it is so much more than going to church every Sunday. I want everyone to experience Christ like I do!

The passionate, sweet, loving, beautiful romance with the King is better than any relationship available on Earth. I still want a earthly man to share my life with, but I know that if God never sends him my way then I will still have the love story of a life time with my Savior. The King of Kings holds my heart.

"It's more like falling in love, then something to believe in. More like losing my heart, then giving my allegiance."
                                                                  - Jason Gray

If you need someone to talk to or someone to pray for/with you then please don't hesitate to email me at I'd love to talk with you! : )


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